Cancellations/Changes Policy

Please also make sure to review The General Terms of Service that apply to all individuals and/or organizations that utilize the platform provided as
Because each country has different laws regarding how our community can borrow/lend properties, specific terms of service may be provided for the country in which the property is located.

*Also see Section 7 of our general agreement regarding cancellations. Thank you for using!

Effective date: May 2, 2022


Oops, need to change your reservation? understands that sometimes plans change, and we’ve made it easy for Members and Partners to accommodate changes. We’ve tried to standardize our cancelation policy to make it simple and fair for both Members and Partners.

Cancellations are generally handled differently between short term and medium/long term stays. Also, we have a separate policy for extenuating circumstances here.

For Short Term stays (27 nights or less)

Room Fee and Cleaning Fees: We use a system called FRBP: Full Refund Buffer Period. It sounds complex, but is simple: Members must cancel before this period to get a full refund. Our inspiration for this method comes from years of working with Partners and their rental properties. Partners choose the length of their “Full Refund Buffer Period” which are in increments of 3 days. Therefore, for each listing, the property owner can choose to make the full refund buffer period equal to 3 days (one period), 6 days (two periods), 9 days (three periods), and so on up to 5 periods (15 days). Members must cancel before the Full Refund Buffer Period starts to get a refund of 100% of the property fee and the cleaning fee. See the table below for the refund status of other situations.

Service Fees: The above “Full Refund Buffer Period” does not apply to service fees. Once a booking is made, several expenses like payment processing are incurred, making it difficult for NomadRooms to recoup its expenses even if a cancellation is made early on in the booking process. Tables 1 and 2 below show when service fees are refunded and when they are not.

Tax Fees: The amount of taxes refunded will depend on how much of the property including cleaning fees has been paid, how much of the service fees have been paid, and local laws regarding taxes.

For Medium/Long Term stays (28 nights or more)

For long term stays, our Members are entering a contract with our Partners, the property owners, to use their property for an extended period of time. Partners, by holding a property for this amount of time, incur a significant amount of risk. For this reason a security deposit is required and Partners will most likely use our Contract Builder to add terms. That is, once you reserve, you are entering a valid contract with the property owner. handled differently between short term and medium/long term stays:

Security Deposit: One of the purposes of a Security Deposit is to reduce risk for the property owner. See Tables 1 and 2 below regarding the circumstances in which a Security Deposit is returned during a cancellation.

Modifications: Sometimes a Member needs to modify their start and end dates for a long term booking. In this case, if the property owner agrees to the changes, they can modify the dates with no penalty at all. This modification is limited to:

  • Change the start date to plus or minus 5 days from the original booking
  • Change the end date to plus or minus 5 days from the original booking
  • Take a break (1 – 5 days): Need to take a trip and leave the property? Ask the owner to forgive the rent fee for up to five days. This not available for all bookings and will depend on the exact length of stay. The property cannot be used during your break

Room Fees: For Medium/Long Term stays, property owners can pick from two possible Full Refund Buffer Periods: 15 days and 30 days. NomadRooms does not charge a cleaning fee for long term stays. For long term stays, Members are expected to clean the properties themselves. If a property is left in significant disarray, the owner may deduct from the security deposit. See Tables 1 and 2 below for cancellation refunds depending on the situation.

Service Fees: The above “Full Refund Buffer Period” does not apply to service fees. Once a booking is made, several expenses like payment processing are incurred making it difficult for NomadRooms to recoup its expenses. Tables 1 and 2 below show when service fees are refunded and when they are not.

To Cancel a Booking for Short Term stays

  1. From your dashboard, click on “Bookings.”
  2. Click on “View”
  3. Click the button, “Cancel Booking.”

To Modify a Booking

  1. Modifications are only possible if you want the same property, but need to change the check-in and check-out dates, or want to request a break.
  2. If you are adding dates, make sure the property is available for those dates.
  3. To request a modification, Use the following steps:
    1. Go to your dashboard.
    2. Click on the link, “Change Request”
    3. Choose the reservation for which you want to change. If you’re already using the property and your stay is almost finished, you may not be able to choose the reservation. This means that it’s too late to make any changes.
    4. Complete the request form and submit it.
    5. You should receive a reply within 24 hours.
    6. If you’ve requested to change the dates of the reservation, the rate for any added days/weeks/months may be different than your original reservation. Also, if you received a coupon or discount for your reservation, that discount may not apply to your modified reservation.
    7. The reply from will list options. Please choose an option.

If you are changing your reservation because of an Extenuating Circumstance, see our Extenuating Circumstances Policy for details about our definitions of Extenuating Circumstances.

Now, let’s assume it’s the Partner (property owner) who needs to change or cancel the reservation. First and foremost we ask that Partners do not change/cancel reservations of Members unless there is an extenuating circumstance. See Tables 1 and 2 below for cancellation refunds depending on the situation.

If you’re a Partner and you need to cancel/change a booking because of an extenuating circumstance, following these steps:

  1. Go to your dashboard.
  2. Click on the link, “Change Request”
  3. Choose the reservation for which you want to change.
  4. Complete the request form and submit it.
  5. You should receive a reply within 24 hours.
  6. If the situation is an emergency (listed below), do step 4 then contact us via the website chat or calling the 800 number (USA domestic). Emergency situations include:
    1. There has been significant damage to a property (ex. hurricane, earthquake, tsunami) and the property can no longer be used.
    2. There is a major incident with the Member using the property.
    3. There is an incident with the facility (ex. active shooter, terrorist).
  7. is a Member centric community and wants its Members to be assured that once they make a reservation, it will not be changed by the property owner or NomadRooms; that is, they can depend on us to deliver! Therefore partners agree to not change Member reservations unless there is an extreme emergency as listed above. You may be asked to present evidence of the emergency (ex police report).
  8. NomadRooms reserves the right to charge property owners a fee if their request for change does not meet our emergency situation criteria.

Table 1: Member cancels booking because of an extenuated circumstance

Standard Cancellation Extenuated Circumstance

Short Term (27 nights or less) Booking Status: Cancellation Requested,

Before Full Refund Buffer Period (FRBP) begins
Full refund. Service fees are not refunded.
Full refund. Service fees are refunded*
During FRBP
A full refund will be issued minus 50% of the room fee for each day up to 10 days. Days booked over 10 days are refunded at 100%. Service fees are not refunded.
A full refund will be issued. Service fees are not refunded.
After Check-in
Member must pay the full rate for each night stayed plus 1 additional night, the rest of the nights (unused) will be refunded at 50% up to 10 days and 100% after that.
Members must pay the full rate for each night stayed plus 1 additional night, the rest of the nights (unused) will be refunded at 100%.

Medium/Long Term Booking Status: Cancellation Requested,

Before Full Refund Buffer Period (FRBP) begins
Member will get a full refund including the security deposit but not the service fees.
Member will get a full refund including the security deposit and the service fees*
During FRBP
Member will get a full refund not including the security deposit nor the service fees.
Member will get a full refund including the security deposit but not the service fees.
After Check-in
Member must pay the remainder of the current month. The security deposit and service fees are not refunded.
Member can get refunded 100% for the days remaining in the current month for up to 10 days. The security deposit and service fees are not refunded.

*Members cannot receive a refund of service fees more than twice a year. 

Table 2: Partner cancels booking because of an extenuated circumstance

* Partners can only cancel a booking for an extenuating circumstance.

Extenuated Circumstance

Short Term (27 nights or less) Booking Status: Cancellation Requested,

Before Full Refund Buffer Period (FRBP) begins
Member receives a Full refund including service fees*
During FRBP
Member receives a Full refund including service fees*
After Check-in
Members must pay the full rate for each night stayed. All additional nights will be refunded at 100%. Service fees are refunded for the unused part of the booking*

Medium/Long Term Booking Status: Cancellation Requested,

Before Full Refund Buffer Period (FRBP) begins
Member will get a full refund including the security deposit and the service fees*
During FRBP
Member will get a full refund including the security deposit and the service fees*
After Check-in
Member can get refunded 100% for all the days remaining in the current month and all days after that in the booking. Refund includes the security deposit and service fees for the unused part of the booking*

*Contingent on refund from partner.